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3 East

Jeff was roaming around, holding Mira baby and checking out my hospital room. I’d woken up a couple hours earlier from my hysterectomy. Tired, and a little disoriented but happy to be done. I was lying there trying to rest when I heard an ironic chuckle. Jeff pointed to a laminated card hanging on the wall “I wonder if this is because of you.” My foggy brain worked to make out the words If your medical team’s response does not seem proportionate to the situation please call this number. Huh. Weird. It sort of did seem like what had happened to me in this same wing four months earlier. As I thought about it more I hoped it was just me. No, I prayed it was just me... Four months earlier. The word shoved me. Pushed me. Smacked me. “...hysterectomy.” My morphine haze cleared as more powerful rush of adrenaline snaked through me. “If we can’t get your bleeding under control then you’ll require a hysterectomy.” Dr. O’Connor said it so calmly it almost masked the gravity of

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